

Feng Rehabilicrete Systems aim to extend the service life of existing structures and enhance the performance of new structures during the construction phase, through the use of innovative engineering, niche products, and systems. Concrete structures built decades ago were not built with an emphasis on durability. This has led to the deterioration of many structures due to the progressive dissolution of the cement by the migration of calcium atoms. Calcium leaching is responsible for an increase in concrete porosity and, consequently, increased permeability; this allows water and other aggressive elements to enter concrete, leading to carbonation and corrosion problems. Ordinary cement is vulnerable to water and other aggressive elements, which leads to carbonation and chloride ion attacks resulting in corrosion problems. Through innovative products and engineering, Rehabilicrete Systems provide solutions to these typical below and above grade challenges such as cracks, moisture penetration, shrinkage, etc.

Increased durability directly corresponds to reduced carbon footprint.

Increasing structural durability has a significant impact on the environment and reduces maintenance costs over time. Increasing durability from fifty years to five hundred years, means a reduction of its environmental impact by a factor of ten. In addition to an increase in compressive strength of concrete, this also reduces the amount of reinforced steel by as much as fifty percent.

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Special Foundations Consulting
Consulting services focused on sustainable engineering of special foundations


Rehabilicrete Systems
Best of Best Concrete Protection & Restoration Systems Restoration, Concrete Flooring & Waterproofing


Patent Licensing & Pricing
Single or group patent licenses for earth-honouring technologies

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